Young Earth Scientific Proofs


Radioactive  Halos


Dr. Robert Gentry

Oakridge National Laboratory  Tennessee

Research Communications Network published his report in 1977


“ Current physical lays may not have governed the past. Some geological formations thought to be hundreds of millions of years old are found to be only several thousand years old."

 Dr Gentry was looking for radioactivity in Coalified  logs taken from the Colorado plateau, in Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.  His work helps us understand how long it takes coal to form, the age of the deposits where they are found and the age of the earth itself.

 In these coal formations he found thousands of logs.  These logs prove that given the correct amount of pressure, heat, water and time, wood and other vegetation can be turned into coal.

 Coalified wood is also found in uranium mines. The samples of coalified wood appear just like coalified wood Dr. Gentry created in his lab in three weeks.

 Dr. Gentry inspected the wood samples under the microscope  found  discolorations in the wood produced from radioactive particles.  There were spherical and elliptical halos. These halos required a special sequence of events  to form. So special in fact that it over throws the idea that  this coal was formed over millions of years.   The analysis of these halos proves the coal samples are really very young.

 First the water saturated logs were buried throughout what is thought of as many geological ages, the Tertiary (Eocene), Cretaceous, Jurassic, and Triassic layers of the geological formations.  Later  uranium solutions infiltrated these water saturated  logs and uranium decay products were collected at tiny sites in each of these logs. The radioactive particles decayed over the next several years ejected particles and produced spherical radiation damaged regions. They were formed by the secondary polonium halos derived from the decay of the uranium.


Then there was a compression event  The overlying weight of the sediment compressed  these logs.  When the logs were compressed the halos were compressed.  This compression  occurred before the logs were turned to coal because Coal doesn’t compress, it shatters. If the compression occurred after the coalification the logs would have lost their form. This proves the logs were compressed before they  turned into coal. 


When uranium invaded the wood it left uranium decay products. By measuring the uranium to lead ratios you can be determined  how long the uranium has been decaying at that specific site.  According to an article the 1978 issue of  Geotimes that covered a symposium “  The deposits from which the coal  samples were attained came from layers that were at least as old as Cretaceous age and possibly of Jurassic or Triassic age the ratio between U238 and Pb206 should be low. Instead some such halos have been found with uranium – lead ratios ranging from about 2200 to over 64000. If isotope ratios are to be used as a basis for geological dating then presently accepted ages may be too high by a factor of 10000 admitting the possibility of the formation are be measured in millennia.”  The uranium infiltration and the coalification occurred over the last several thousand years.

This information has remained unchallenged since 1976.

Grand Canyon was carved by rapidly erosion process. 

The grand canyon was eroded by the rapid draining of a large inland sea. This can be determined by a few different observations.   If the sediments were eroded by the Colorado river all that eroded material would be laid out in a vast delta where the river exits into the Gulf of California. 

The tributary canyons as a general rule terminate and are not fed by a tributary stream. If the canyon was eroded by rivers then the tributary would only progress as long as there was a tributary supplying the erosion. If you look at the canyon from the air it is easy to see that the tributary canyons are deep yet end abruptly with nor stream feeding them. These abrupt terminations are the same as we find where a tide pool breaks out of its dam and erodes an erosion canyon.



 Dinosaurs existed a few thousand years ago.


There is quite a few known proofs that dinosaurs lived up until  a few thousand years ago. Dr. Gentry has found dinosaur footprints in the coal beds where he has proven that the age of the coal is only a few thousand years old.


There are also dinosaur footprints along side the prints of man in stream beds near Glen Rose Texas.

Sedimentary formations were deposited quickly