My Life

        I am in the sixth grade right now and I love it. The classes I take are History, Math, EFL, Bible, Study Hall, ( thank goodness for that) Science, Literature, Computer, Health/Fitness, and Grammar. 

        I have one sister, a mom and a dad. We have a cool house. My dad is thinking about building a second story onto it but we have no where to put the staircase.  I love to run and play all kinds of sports. I have two cats and two dogs. Dixie is one of my cats and she is the youngest pet that we have, my other cat is Millie, she is the oldest pet that we have. My dogs are Elvis and Lulu. Elvis is older and he is a Jack Russell Terrier and Lulu is a lab who thinks she is the size of a Jack Russell Terrier. I also have a lot of fish.

        I  have lots of friends at school, but barely have any in my neighborhood.  I love my life so far and I will try to keep updating.