

n [ME attaynder, fr. MF ataindre to accuse, attain] (15c) 1: extinction of the civil rights and capacities of a person upon sentence of death or outlawry usu. after a conviction of treason

bear arms

to carry or possess arms
capitation n [LL capitation-, capitatio poll tax, fr. L capit-, caput] (1641) 1: a direct uniform tax imposed on each head or person:
Citizen one entitled to the rights of a freeman
Free Having the legal and political rights of a citizen.
Freeman one enjoying civil or political liberty , one having the full rights of a citizen.
ex post facto adj (1787): done, made, or formulated after the fact
habeas corpus n [ME, fr. ML, lit., you should have the body (the opening words of the writ)] (15c) 1: any of several common-law writs issued to bring a party before a court or judge;
poll tax a uniform per capita payment or fee
Liberty The quality or state of being free.
militia n [L, military service, fr. milit-, miles] (ca. 1660) 1 a: a part of the organized armed forces of a country liable to call only in emergency b: a body of citizens organized for military service 2: the whole body of able-bodied male citizens declared by law as being subject to call to military service
Misprision of Felony

1. Misadministration of public office. 2. Neglect in preventing or reporting a felony or treason by one not an accessory. 3. An act of sedition against a government or the courts.

Whoever, having knowledge of the actual commission of a felony cognizable by the courts of the United States, conceals and does not as soon as possible make known the same to some judge or other person in civil or military authority under the United States is guilty of the federal crime of misprision of felony.

Sovereign possessed of supreme power  .. unlimited in extent .. enjoying autonomy


n [in sense 1, fr. ME, fr. MF, fr. ML suffragium, fr. L, vote, political support, fr. suffragari to support with one's vote; in other senses, fr. L suffragium] (14c) 1: a short intercessory prayer usu. in a series 2: a vote given in deciding a controverted question or in the choice of a person for an office or trust 3: the right of voting:

1. Violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.2. A betrayal of trust or confidence. Middle English, from Anglo-Norman treason, from Latin trāditio, trādition-, a handing over. See tradition.]


1. A government in which a single ruler is vested with absolute power. 2. The office, authority, or jurisdiction of an absolute ruler. 3. Absolute power, especially when exercised unjustly or cruelly: "I have sworn . . . eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man" (Thomas Jefferson). 4. a. Use of absolute power. b. A tyrannical act. 5. Extreme harshness or severity; rigor. [Middle English tyrannie, from Old French, from Late Latin tyrannia, from Greek turannia, from turannos, tyrant.]


u·sur·pa·tion (y”“ser-pā¹shen, -zer-) noun 1. The act of usurping, especially the wrongful seizure of royal sovereignty.  A wrongful seizure or exercise of authority or privilege belonging to another; an encroachment: "in our own day, gross usurpations upon the liberty of private life" (John Stuart Mill).